How to Boost SEO’s Efficiency (Part 1)

SEO relies on search engines to grasp a website’s content.

It is indeed up to us, the content providers, to make sure that we produce contents that can attract viewers.

So, there are two important things you should ask, “Is how to you get good ranking?” and “By what means do we ensure that the search engines can fully comprehend your website?”

Man browsing a website on a MacBook Air

For some, they use the trial and error approach to test the waters. Of course there are many ways of doing it, but the trial and error could be shaky and unpredictable. Plus, you will end up wasting time if it does not work.

Developing the on-page essentials will lead you to better outcome:

Title Tag

  • It is an on-page essential because it does provide important context to your content. With the right title, you are sure that search engines better understand the meaning and purpose of the page. It is shown in the search results. That is the reason why it is vital to write your title tags not just for search engines, but for web visitors, too.
  • To be safe, write title tags within the 60 characters limit. More than 60 could mean that the title could be edited out. It is vital that you utilize keyword phrase if you want to rank better. Just make sure you sound appealing and very natural.
  • Remember that a title that is dull or spammy will gain no clicks. This means, no visitor coming to your site.
  • Never put in a lot of keywords in just one title like Roof Repair, Roof Reconstruction, or Roof Paint. These titles will never gain a good ranking.

Meta Description

  • Despite the fact that meta descriptions has directly nothing to do with the rankings, it can still have an effect on your click through rates.
  • Generally, Google allows 160 characters of the meta description. So, it is smart for you not to provide more characters than the required number.
  • It is essential to have keyword phrases that you feel could really give you a push in your ranking. Again, make these engaging and natural. Make sure everybody will notice the meta description you wrote.

Bread Crumbs

  • It is a small text path which you can find at the topmost page and implies the URL. This permits users to remember their path, where they are at the present time and where is the way back to the main page.
  • Yes, Bread crumbs are very vital to the users. It creates an easier navigation for users in their entire stay in your site.
  • Also, they aid search engines to examine your content from hierarchical point of view. By presenting how the pages in your site are connected with each other, you aid in establishing that the right pages rank for the right topics.

Table of Contents

  • When a visitor goes to your page from search, that visitor is searching for a specific detail. If it is a struggle to find their concern, then, expect them to leave right away and go to your competitor’s site. Now, how do you manage to make is simple for your visitors? Making a table of contents and then linking it to your subheadings. That should give your user a simpler navigation.