SEO Tips That Are Easy to Do and Guarantee Great Results (Part 2)

If you are done with the taking out the lengthy and unnecessary content, the ones left are those you need to improve. Read part 1 to understand part 2. Let us go on to the next suggestions about strengthening significant content.

man wearing gray polo shirt beside dry-erase board

  • Increasing more pertinent content.

    • To develop your content, here are some tips:
      • Do the correction of your content to increase its clarity, develop Work on the revision of your content to boost its comprehensibility, enlarge participation, and make it perfect.
      • Add fitting and workable video, media, images, and PDFS.
      • Increase research, case studies, original data, and statistics.
    • The objective here, is to center on the developed content. In other words, you should not target the topics that had no ranking and those topics who got a high ranking. That being said, let us review the following:
      • WORD COUNT
        • Size plays a big role. It shows you how in-depth different URLs are in opposite with each other.
      • DEPTH
        • Top ranking means you outdid the rest by coming up with an in-depth content in contrast to the rest. Having a lengthy content can be a compelling factor. You can examine yourself, can your content respond to the inquiries and other inquiries that are connected with the same question?
          • Examine the following:
            • Associated depiction
            • Conventional questions
            • Rundown of applicable orders and processes
          • CLARITY
          • If you’re interested to know if your content is good enough, use tools. It will be more objective.
            • Yoast can do it perfectly and it can edit your content too using WordPress all at the same time.
            • Your interest should be the clarity of your content which is easier to understand as oppose to the content who has a top ranking. You need to captivate them. It does change the game.
          • MEDIA
            • Do you have audio and video files or both of them in your content? Sure it will make your content even more appealing but also search engine will easily know what you have in your content. Aside from that, these makes the most elaborate subject matter simpler to grasp. On the other hand, video can make visitors so stuck in your site they stay there for a longer period of time. Your images should have watermark to avoid being stolen by your competitor.
  • Intensify page load speed.

  • If your load time is too slow, you will not increase your sales. It also follows that you will not rank. If you want to remedy the situation, then have a faster load speed. Do whatever it takes.
      • The cheaper web hosts has the tendency to put so many even thousands of websites in only one server. If this is the case, then, the horsepower will not be enough to cover everything. This will definitely make the page speed a lot smaller.
      • Generally, videos and images that are used in the sites are larger than what is needed. To optimize, just have the correct format for your media files. Check again if it has the correct size.
      • An example would be… if the image you need is small, do not try to resize it bigger than 600px. Try to know what you need first; don’t try to dump all the images to your website without even resizing it.