Facts to Consider Before Making Important Changes in Your Website Part 1

With all the changes in the SEO world, you know that you need to be at par with the rest of your competitor if not, surpass them. You may also realized that your design is not a good fit for your purpose. Therefore, it is time for a change but, hold it right there.

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Before you do so, you need to examine the current status of your website. Review the defects, potentials, strengths, and other options. You should be able to know the things to stay and what should be removed. In spite of the changes, your ranking should not decline at all. There are 2 things you should consider before you make any changes:

Site Architecture.

  • Assess the arrangement of the pages and there are two things to study:
    • Go on with the current site architecture and never lose your rankings.
    • Having said that, keep your present site architecture which will mean that you will have to use the same URLS and the classifications. That is, of course if you will not change your web pages. Should you want to merge web pages, then chose the most marketable URL and redirect the former URLS to the one you have now.
  • Just remember to be cautious, you should be aware that 301 redirects can only be done if the pages of which are almost the same with each other. If they are not a good match, for sure, it will result to a critical ranking.
  • Overhaul the old framework to enhance your rankings.


Enhance the Site Architecture.

  •  Some people thinks that a “flat site architecture” has a better chance in ranking. A flat architecture means that each page may be reached in one, two, or three links. The web pages of course will not be categorized. Here, all pages is to be crawled and indexed to have a fair chance in ranking.
  •  A flat site framework may not be a good idea because a website ranks for a lot of phases.
  • Contradictory pages are possibly great for unlike phrases. What is practicable is arranging the website in different classification. Hence, if you want to enhance your website, examine your website’s architecture, you might be able to discover some more things you need to change or improve. If the case is disorganization, then it is time to upgrade your site with an awesome category structure that will definitely work better.
  • It will be real cool if you have systematized content because it could make your ranking possibly better. The reason for this is simple, if you have arranged within the categories, everything will interlinked which will have a considerable context to each other.
  • A carefully deliberated category page is a good page to answer all the general questions.

 During a Google Webmaster office-hours hangout, John Mueller shared the importance of NOT using a noindex,follow tag:

 “So it’s kind of tricky with noindex. Which I think is somewhat of a misconception in general with the SEO community, in that, with a noindex and follow, it’s still the case that we see the noindex.

And in a first step we say ok we don’t want this page shown in the search results. We’ll still keep it in our index. We just won’t show it. And then we can follow those links.

But if we see the noindex there for longer then we think, this page really doesn’t want to be used in search. So we will remove it completely. And that we won’t follow the links, either.”

…noindex and follow is essentially kind of the same as a noindex, nofollow.”

If you want to watch the complete Google Hangout discussion, click here. If you want to jump directly to the second part, you can do so by clicking this link!